Its the time of the year. Dogs need vaccination. A lot of owners will take their dogs to the vet and get annual check up. Sometimes I wonder why some street kids or homeless keeping their dogs not knowing they can afford to pay the vet bill.
Similar to many parents, they don't believe in vaccination. But hey, it's the law and it helps you avoid your dogs catching rabies. KENNEL COUGH or Bordertella is optional because if you dog don't go to off leash park nor day camps. Don't even bother.
There is another thing vet would talk you into. "The blood test". Vet would give you a choice to skip the blood test before your dogs get the heartworm medication. The logic here is if you did first blood test and get greenlight to take heart worm pills or drops. Then the next year I personally wouldn't bother to to get another blood test. And we should be able to get the same medication with signing the waiver.
Anyway. Goldie is now summerized. A dent in the wallet and hope she enjoy the summer